Co-pay  /ˈkōˌpā/ Noun 

A contribution made by an insured person toward the cost of medical treatment or other services: US “plans with low premiums are more likely to have high co-pays”.

A co-pay (or copay or co-payment) is a set fee that you pay when you go to your doctor or fill a prescription. For example, if you go to your doctor because of a sinus infection, the amount you pay for that visit is your copay.

Also, if you go to the pharmacy for a refill of a needed medicine, the amount you pay for that prescription is your copay.

Your co-pay is usually printed right on your health plan ID card. Co-pays cover your portion of the cost of a doctor’s visit, urgent care visit or medication.

Do I always have a co-pay?

Not all plans have co-pays, but most plans have co-pays for doctor visits, prescriptions and urgent care visits.

Is the co-pay all I owe for a visit?

Yes and no… It depends on your plan whether you owe anything else (co-insurance) after your co-pay.  For instance, you may owe 20% of the additional office visit cost if you have an 80/20 plan, but you may also only owe the co-pay.

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Shane Saunders

Shane and Kari Saunders co-founded The Insurance Solutions Experts to help families and companies find affordable insurance options. Shane has a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from UTSA and a Masters of Arts in Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Forth Worth. He is accredited and licensed and has received comprehensive certification in Healthcare Reform as well as all forms of state health care insurance plans. He offers individual health insurance coverage, life insurance, several other lines of affordable insurance options as well as group health insurance plans. 210-954-6478 or 636-287-9369